We all crave for love; some show their need for it while others prefer to keep it to themselves. This is because love is the most natural emotion we possess. It is not love, but the lack of it, that makes us feel pain, fear, anxiety and feeling of being lost in a maze. Once we return to love, we return to the calm state of our being. However, to feel that love, we need to create it within our self and spread it outside. It becomes extremely important for us, as human beings, to create loving personal relationships, to maintain the balance of life. Below are 7 ways that can help you in improving your personal relationships: https://youtu.be/JY8SOoYuWGY 1. Find yourself before you find another- The first person…


How to stay motivated in Tough Times

"Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you; they're supposed to help you discover who you are." —Bernice Johnson Reagon The best part of tough times is not the fact that it will soon be over but that it will make us a person we were never before. When we stay strong despite our circumstances, improve ourselves in the process, and ultimately overcome the limitations, the taste of success is sweeter than what it would have been without the challenges. We not only feel accomplishment within, but we are also able to accept the appreciation we get from others as we have earned it despite the turmoil. Remember the last time you accomplished something you never thought was possible for you. It could be anything from passing a test…

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How to Create Healthy Social Relationships

“Believe in a beautiful world, because somewhere your beliefs are shaping up your destiny.”  - Pratishtha Bhalla Human beings are called social animals for a reason – they cannot live in isolation, even for their basic needs of food, water, and shelter they require help from other beings. In the past, when man used to live in caves, they would live together and save each other from wild animals. However, in today’s world of social media, most people have limited their social relationships to their mobile phone apps. This has resulted in increased anxiety levels. A lot of people today are facing depression and loneliness, to the extend, that they end up taking their own life. Having a healthy social relationship is essential for our survival as well as…

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How to GROW in Life

 “One can choose to go toward safety or forward toward growth. Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must be overcome again and again”   -   Abraham Maslow Someone has rightly said that you don’t become wise with age, you become wise with experience. Wisdom is an essential part of growth and real growth does not occur by accident. Growth requires immense amount of focus, planning and execution. Our mind never remains stable at the same thought. Every day our mind has anywhere between 60,000-80,000 thousand thoughts. If we don’t have a plan or direction in which we want to go, our thoughts would wander in directions where we should never go. So, having a growth mentality can help our thoughts to be concentrated on the positive things we…

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5 Tips to be an Assertive Communicator

In the earlier article, “5 reasons why you must learn assertive communication”, we discussed what exactly we mean by assertive communication and why one needs to learn assertive communication. The simplest way of identify an assertive communicator is by judging whether or not the communication had the quality of 3 C’s. These 3 C’s are: Confident Clear and Controlled. An assertive speaker has all the 3 qualities and hence he or she is able to effectively present their point of view as well as accept and respect other’s opinion. https://youtu.be/s2HFc5HRQYU Below are 5 tips that can help you in becoming an assertive speaker: Get in touch with your own needs – Do you actually know what you want? What exactly you want to say, how and when you should…

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5 Reasons Why You Must Learn Assertive Communication

Whether we speak or we don’t, we are always communicating. The quality of your communication determines the quality of your life irrespective of your demographics, your gender or your age. For a lot of people, communication works against them, even though in all respect, it’s meant to work for them. When was the last time you told someone something like, “you don’t understand what I mean!” How many times do you meet people who understand what you want to say even before you complete the sentence? How many times you felt being misunderstood by others? If you want to judge your communication level, listen carefully to the response you get from different people. Is it working for you or against you? One quality of communication that one must acquire…

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5 Practical Tips to Improve your Communication Skills

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place” - George Bernard Shaw When we say communication what exactly does it mean? Does it mean sharing your ideas, knowledge, skills with others? Does it mean telling your story to the world? Will you still call it communication when no one in the room understands a word of what you said? Communication, in reality is a two-way process. It can be said that you are a good communicator, if and only if you are able to share your ideas with the other person such that they understand it completely. Though it might seem simplistic, but in reality, it is one of the most difficult and most sought-after art since time immemorial. It forms the actual…

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5 Tips to Be Confident

“One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation.” ~ Arthur Ashe By now you must be familiar with the importance of self-confidence. Confidence plays a vital part in writing any success stories. It’s virtually impossible to win without confidence. Below are 5 simple steps that can help you prepare yourself towards a confident and successful you: Develop your strengths: Know your strengths and weaknesses. What are the areas in which you have knowledge and what are the ones in which you need to gather more information. Speak about the things you know for sure. If you don’t know politely apologize. There is no need to be ashamed of not knowing some topics because in this world it’s impossible to know everything. We are…

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